
Acquisition of Bushmaster EW capability


Australia’s Bushmaster Protected Mobility Vehicles will be modified and upgraded with electronic warfare systems under a $75 million contract.

Defence industry minister Pat Conroy this morning announced what he called the Land Force Level Electronic Warfare Project which will upgrade the Bushmasters, originally manufactured by Thales in Bendigo.

Conroy said the systems would improve the Australian Defence Force’s ability to monitor and control the electronic environment and, where necessary, deny or degrade the electronic systems of adversaries.

Conroy said: “The government is committed to increasing the ADF’s ability to operate and fight in complex electromagnetic environments.

“This new capability will give our Land Force a better range of options to continue to pursue our interests in our region and deter, defeat and deny attacks and threats against Australia.

“The Project will complement air and maritime force level electronic warfare systems, further enhancing these capabilities when deployed in combination as a Joint Force.”

The government has awarded delivery of the Force Level Electronic Warfare System project to Raytheon Australia Pty Ltd.

Conroy said Australian industry would be involved in supply, training and maintenance support.

“The Project will inject more than $46 million into Australian industry, contributing to strengthening our sovereign defence industrial base, supporting delivery of multiple Sovereign Industrial Capability Priorities and growing the skills of our local workforce.”

The Bushmaster uses an armoured v-shaped hull to protect its passengers from landmines and other explosive devices.

Picture: Thales

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