Australian Parliament will listen to witnesses regarding the importance of strong domestic supply chains, collaboration, and resilience for manufacturers at a public hearing on Thursday.
The Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs Defence and Trade’s inquiry into the implications of the pandemic for Australia’s defence, trade and international relations will hear from the Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre and Ethical Clothing Australia.
Dr Jens Goennemann, managing director of the AMGC, will answer questions about the Covid-19 response from manufacturers, and the AMGC’s submission to the inquiry.
The group’s submission and its crisis response efforts – including the
Manufacturing Response Register, which helped coordinate projects on
hospital beds, ventilators and PPE. – will be discussed at the hearing, which will be streamed at
this link on July 9 at 3.00 pm – 4.30 pm AEST
Committee chair, senator David Fawcett, said one of the precursors to a successful crisis response was ensuring a capability for flexible and innovative adaptation in the manufacturing sector.
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