The University of Sydney-led Centre for CubeSats, Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles and their applications (CUAVA) has been officially opened this week, aiming to increase skills relevant to Australia’s space industry.
The ARC Industrial Transformation Training Centre is backed by $4.6 million in funding from the Australian Research Council and $1.2 million for partner organisations. It counts three industry partners, four government labs, three Australian universities and two US universities among its members.
Outgoing NSW senator Arthur Sinodinos
said the centre was “all about advanced manufacturing” and, at the opening this week, said it would help create a situation where entrepreneurs would not have to look overseas for opportunities in space.
“We have five PhD students and four Postdoctoral fellows engaged and making exciting progress on our research and commercialisation projects,” said University of Sydney Professor of Space Physics and Director of CUAVA, Iver Cairns.
“Within the next year we will be launching our first satellite and new instruments into orbit, and performing our first Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles (UAV) campaign.”
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