Government releases DRAT, a ten-minute digital maturity quiz for SMEs

The federal government has released a new ten-minute online test designed for SMEs, which aims to benchmark their digital maturity against their peers and provides advice on accessing support.

The Digital Readiness Assessment Tool was designed by the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resource and assesses the digital capabilities of companies through an online questionnaire.

“Its focus is to identify areas of high priority for remediation and awareness building,” explains the DRAT in an introduction on its website.

“It doesn’t replace the services of a digital or cyber security expert.”

Minister for technology Melissa Price said the new tool would provide advice and guidance for SMEs wanting information on how they could use technology to increase revenues and operate more effectively.

This tool will help more businesses understand how they can benefit from small but smart digital improvements in their operations,” said Price on Monday.

“By doing so, they will help make our economy stronger and help grow Australia into a world leading digital economy by 2030.” 

Those curious can take the test here.

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