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National Manufacturing Week 2019 wrapped up late on Friday afternoon, with over 11,000 manufacturing professionals attending the 20th edition of the biennial Melbourne event.
The conference was opened on Tuesday by Dr Jens Goennemann, Managing Director of AMGC, in the Industry 4.0 Theatre, followed by a welcoming from The Hon. Martin Pakula, Minister for Jobs, Innovation and Trade, with Australia’s Chief Scientist, Dr Alan Finkel AO, delivered the opening keynote titled ‘Reversing the flow – what manufacturing can teach AI’.
@AuManufacturing editors/cofounders Peter Roberts and Brent Balinski moderated sessions on day one and day two respectively, titled “the trials and triumphs of Australian machinery manufacturers” and “it is time to talk reshoring“. This title appreciates our two sessions being nominated by organisers as highlights of those two days, and thanks the panelists for sharing their wisdom and experience via the discussions.
Robby Clark, the Exhibition Director of National Manufacturing Week, said that the expo, “focused on supporting manufacturers in their adoption of high-tech solutions, advanced manufacturing processes and integration of Industry 4.0 into their operations.
“We’d like to thank all of our sponsors, partners, conference speakers, exhibitors – both local and international – for their incredible and long-standing support of NMW.”
Clark added that the exhibition and conference organiser, Reed Exhibitions, would continue its engagement with the industry through the inaugural Advanced Manufacturing Expo for 2020 Sydney.
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