The digital path to growth – The state of digital transformation with David Chuter

@AuManufacturing launches our latest editorial series – the digital path to growth – with an in depth look at where Australia stands in the race to digital transformation. Here we interview the CEO of the Innovative Manufacturing CRC, David Chuter. @AuManufacturing: How widespread is the adoption of digital technologies in Australian manufacturing? David Chuter: There…

EM Solutions commissions new SATCOM system on HMAS Canberra

The Royal Australian Navy’s amphibious assault ship’s communications capabilities have been bolstered following a two-month-long upgrade. Brisbane’s EM Solutions supplied its locally designed and built Cobra Tri-Band Inmarsat GX and WGS X/Ka-band Satellite Communications Terminal on the navy’s Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) ship, HMAS Canberra. Installation was undertaken in concert with partners including Navantia Australia.…

Marketing for manufacturers – How Colorbond succeeds, in depth

Our editorial series Marketing for manufacturers looks at a marketing success story – BlueScope steel’s Colorbond. We talk to Antony Schillaci (pictured below), Group Marketing Manager. @AuManufacturing: Colorbond is one of the great success stories of manufacturing marketing. Colorbond is widely seen to be a luxury, high-end product associated with excellent architecture in Australia, whereas…