ADDE delivers key machines for Covid injector production

Automation system builder Andrew Donald Design Engineering have shipped the second of three specialist inspection machines (pictured) to a US manufacturer building systems to accelerate the delivery of COVID-19 vaccines. Part of the US Trump administration’s Operation Warp Speed program, the systems are designed to overcome significant constraints in the supply and filling of vials…

Quantum Brilliance brings quantum power to supercomputer

Australian National University spin-out Quantum Brilliance is to add elements of quantum computing capabilities to one of the world’s most powerful supercomputers housed at Pawsey Supercomputing Centre in Perth. Quantum Brilliance will install what it says is the world’s first diamond quantum computing accelerator at the Centre. Accelerators do not require near absolute zero temperatures…

TGA gives CSL local vaccine manufacturing approval

The Therapeutic Goods Administration on Sunday approved manufacture of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine (ChAdOx1-S) in Australia by CSL’s Seqirus vaccine division. This follows on from the 16 February 2021 approval by TGA of the overseas-manufactured AstraZeneca vaccine. The delay in both approvals is part of criticism of the federal government’s vaccine rollout – see separate…