Finns double down on Aussie armour order
The Finnish Defence Force has almost doubled its order of bullet-proof armour manufactured in South Australia following significant external validation.
The Finnish Defence Force has almost doubled its order of bullet-proof armour manufactured in South Australia following significant external validation.
Prime Scott Morrison last week outlined a plan to create jobs and revitalise the economy post COVID-19. Part of this so-called Jobmaker plan includes an overhaul of the “bewildering”, “unresponsive” and “fundamentally flawed” skills sector.
Our campaign to crowd source a new deal plan for manufacturing highlighted the vital role to be played by onshoring manufacturing operations. In this three-part series, we look at how the re-shoring trend is developing. By Peter Roberts. In a small factory at Gillman in the heart of a traditional Adelaide industrial precinct, a quiet…
For reshoring to take place on a large scale there needs to be a serious recasting of the role of manufacturing in Australia, and new ways of having SME manufacturer voices heard by policymakers and the public, argues Peter Vaughan in the second of our series on reshoring. It has become a time-honoured cliché of…
This the third in our series on the importance of onshoring manufacturing operations looks at how Australia and New Zealand lost, and are now regaining, industrial capabilities. Here Peter Roberts looks at the core element of many manufactures – printed circuit boards. Richard Brady and Daniel Baxter have seen Australia and New Zealand’s capacity to…
Last week Brisbane medtech company Vaxxas, which is trying to reinvent the needle, announced plans to move to industrial-scale production. Brent Balinski spoke to the company’s Dr Angus Forster about getting from invention to impact.
The @AuManufacturing new deal plan for manufacturing, crowd sourced from readers and members of the Australian Manufacturing Forum LInkedin group, is released today after two months work. Here we present the plan’s executive summary and core recommendations. The full plan may be downloaded here. After close to three decades of economic growth Australia’s luck has…
Although there are some jobs machines just can’t do, COVID-19 has left us wondering about the future of work and with this, the capacity of automation to step in where humans must step back.
A South Australian vitality drink created by an eye surgeon will today launch its distinctly Aussie beverage in 24,000 South Korean convenience stores.
In Australia, retail and hospitality workers have been particularly hard hit. In other countries, it’s manufacturing workers, hit by disruptions to value and supply chains.