The last thing companies should be doing right now is paying dividends
The economic heart attack induced by COVID-19 has revealed an ugly truth – many very large companies have too little cash to ride out sharp downturns.
The economic heart attack induced by COVID-19 has revealed an ugly truth – many very large companies have too little cash to ride out sharp downturns.
Professor Roy Green kicks off @AuManufacturing’s campaign to crowd source a new deal plan for manufacturing in Australia with this industry policy scene setter. Send your submission to [email protected]. Every crisis provides an opportunity and Covid-19 is no exception. Not only has it exposed the gaps in Australia’s manufacturing supply chains, but it has also…
By Peter Roberts Australia’s industry structure is broken – so with your help we are going to develop a new deal manufacturing plan to help make it right. It has taken Covid-19 to expose the limitations of our economic rationalist policies and how they have created a fragile and narrowly based economy, reliant on export…
The federal government’s $535 million redevelopment of the Osborne South naval shipyard on the Port River in Adelaide is nearing completion with landscaping works underway in preparation for the handover. The yard, complementing facilities where Collins Class submarines, Hobart class air warfare destroyers and Arafura class patrol boats have been constructed, will be used in…
A South Australian company that is building a manned multicopter to compete in its flying electric car racing series has secured seed funding from leading technology venture capital firms.
Last Tuesday, when the Prime Minister announced the government would subsidise six million jobs for six months to the tune of $1,500 a fortnight, the nation’s economists were left speechless.
The pivots by local companies to meet Australia’s PPE needs have gained coverage in the mainstream press and been a source of pride for the country’s manufacturing sector. This week businesses such as Me3D, Free 3D Hands and the FAB9 makerspace have had their efforts to 3D print visors to protect against Covid-19 infection…
South Australian companies are ramping up hand sanitiser production to fill local shortages.
I strongly believe manufacturing is an essential service. We now have over 1500 companies that have signed up to the Covid19 National Manufacturing Response. That’s over 1500 Australian manufacturing companies putting their hand up to say “We’re ready, willing and able”.
Australia’s biotechnology industries are set to benefit in the long term with a federal government decision to reverse years of declining support for CSIRO. The government announced on Saturday that it would spend $220 million upgrading the Australian National Animal Health Laboratory in Geelong (pictured) with the increasing threat of human pandemic disease and the…