Australia’s pursuit of ‘killer robots’ could put the trans-Tasman alliance with New Zealand on shaky ground

By Sian Troath, University of Canterbury Australia’s recently announced defence review, intended to be the most thorough in almost four decades, will give us a good idea of how Australia sees its role in an increasingly tense strategic environment. As New Zealand’s only formal military ally, Australia’s defence choices will have significant implications, both for…

Australia may be heading for emissions trading between big polluters

By Ian A. MacKenzie, The University of Queensland Could Australia soon have a form of emissions trading? Yes, if Labor’s much-anticipated paper on fixing Australia’s mediocre emissions-reduction framework, released today, is any guide. At present, Australia relies on the controversial safeguard mechanism to encourage big emitters such as fossil fuel power plants and manufacturers to…

World-first Australian-developed coating shows long-term effectiveness against spread of bacteria, viruses

A team of Australian researchers have developed a world-first sprayable coating effective against the spread of both viruses and bacteria, and which could be commercially available within three years. The coating worked over a “sustained period” and could be applied in the same way as spray paint, according to a statement from the University of…

Advanced Navigation aims to be first Australian to the Moon

AI robotics, and navigation technology manufacturer Advanced Navigation today announced its ambition to be the first Australian company whose products operate on the Moon through its development of unique navigation systems. CEO Xavier Orr said the company’s years of R&D had culminated in two systems that would deliver breakthroughs in performance, reliability, size, weight and…

Frontiers in additive manufacturing – the future of Australia’s nascent machine manufacturing sector

@AuManufacturing’s latest editorial series, Frontiers in Additive Manufacturing turns to the thriving startup world of metal additive manufacturers. Here, Peter Roberts looks back in time, and asks how can Australia make sure today’s crop of young companies grow and prosper, and remain in Australian hands. Cast your mind back to the 1990s and the rapid…

Trials begin of Australian-developed Covid-19 vaccine

A second Australian-developed and manufactured Covid-19 vaccine has surfaced with the University of Adelaide commencing human trials of its new vaccine that targets the highly-transmissible Omicron variant of the disease. Manufactured by Adelaide company BioCina, the university’s DNA-based vaccine is being trialled at Royal Adelaide Hospital in partnership with PARC Clinical Services and SA Pathology.…