Working smarter with data – SMEs join gold plant data analysis project

@AuManufacturing’s new series, ‘Working smarter with data‘, continues today with the SME-led effort that is using data to automate gold processing. A consortium has come together to commercialise a complete solution package for collecting and analysing and acting on gold mine processing plant data in real-time. SME manufacturer of gold processing equipment Gekko Systems leads…

Hydrogen futures, and moving from extraction to synthesis by Stan Thompson

Hydrogen produced from renewable energy is coming to the fore just as the world exits an epoch when extraction and exploitation give way to a more benign future of synthesis, argues Stan Thompson. This change has major implications for an extractive economy such as Australia’s. It is hardest to see a profound transition when you’re…

Technologies and tools for a manufacturing transformation: why it’s important to commercialise new materials by Gary Walsh

@AuManufacturing’s highly successful new deal plan for manufacturing was aimed at Australia’s policy makers. Our new series, crowd sourced advice from our manufacturing community, aims to help businesses transform their operations to compete and grow through new tools and technologies. Here Gary Walsh explains why it’s important to commercialise new materials by taking ideas out of the lab and into industrial reality