Manufacturing news briefs — stories you might have missed

Codan completes the acquisition of Kägwerks Communications and metal detection manufacturer Codan, through its wholly owned subsidiary, Codan US Inc, has completed the acquisition of 100 percent of US-based organisation SKT2 LLC dba Kägwerks (Kägwerks). Kägwerks is a leader in tactical operator-worn networking communications technologies that enable connectivity and integrated secure networking in a military…

Manufacturing news briefs — stories you might have missed

Optiscan Imaging advances veterinary medtech Confocal microscopy manufacturer Optiscan Imaging has signed a Collaborative Research Agreement with the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine. The agreement follows a MOU with the university, and is a step in expanding the clinical applications of Optiscan’s confocal endomicroscope imaging system in veterinary medicine. The initial focus of…

Manufacturing news briefs – stories you might have missed

Memphasys commits to equine fertility study Reproductive technology company Memphasys has committed to a three-year equine fertility study, aimed at positioning its Felix laboratory instrument for sperm separation as a leading solution for the equine reproduction sector. The company expects commercial outcomes within 12 months from the trial, to be conducted in conjunction with the…

Manufacturing news briefs – stories you might have missed

Envirostream to recycle LG lithium batteries Battery recycler Envirostream has signed an exclusive three year agreement with LG Energy Solutions to recycle all its recalled lithium ion batteries collected in Australia. Envirostream, a subsidiary of Lithium Australia, expects significantly increased battery collection volumes equating to 140 percent of the company’s total in FY23. LG has…

Manufacturing news briefs – stories you might have missed

GPC Electronics expands at Penrith Printed circuit board and electronic systems manufacturer GPC Electronics is expanding its capacity with a new latest technology surface mount technology (SMT) manufacturing line. A team from industrial machinery company Hawker Richardson and GPC engineers have been setting up the new machines (pictured) at its Penrith, Sydney factory since delivery.…

Manufacturing news briefs – stories you might have missed

Titomic sells integrated cold spray 3D manufacturing spray booth Additive manufacturing equipment manufacturer Titomic has sold an Integrated Spray Booth system to Dutch firm Perron038 for $710,000. The system incorporates a robotised Titomic D623 medium-pressure cold spray additive manufacturing unit and will be delivered this calendar year. Perron038 is a research and development facilitator that…

Manufacturing news briefs – stories you might have missed

First baby to be born through utilisation of Memphasys technology Biotechnology company Memphasys has announced that India’s Coimbatore Women’s Hospital Centre has seen the first live birth of a healthy baby boy, conceived utilising the company’s patented system for selecting healthy sperm for IVF procedures. Memphaysys’s Felix instrument uses uses an electric force and polymer…