Manufacturing news briefs — stories you might have missed

NIOA Group announces new Chief Growth Officer Defence contractor the NIOA Group has announced the appointment of a new Chief Growth Officer, defence industry executive Andrew Crickenberger, formerly Vice President of Strategy for L3Harris Technologies’  Aerojet Rocketdyne division. According to a statement, Crickenberger has a career spanning over three decades as a senior executive with multi-national defence companies.…

Best of the year — the five most popular stories among readers for 2023

What were the five biggest stories of the year? Here’s what visitors to this site were reading. 5) Australia’s 50 most innovative manufacturers revealed @AuManufacturing and the Australian Manufacturing Forum’s first quest to identify Australia’s 50 most innovative manufacturers ended in July, and a second iteration of the series kicked off last month. We learned…

Best of the week — the five most popular stories among @AuManufacturing’s readers, October 16 – 20, 2023

5) SA’s ambitious advanced manufacturing strategy South Australia has launched an ambitious Advanced Manufacturing Strategy that aims to grow the sector’s share of the economy from six to 10 percent, writes Peter Roberts. The strategy, launched by SA Deputy Premier and Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, Dr Susan Close also aims to boost manufacturing’s…

Manufacturing news briefs — stories you might have missed

Redflow raises further $6.75 million,  totalling $11.65 million from  Entitlement Offer  Energy storage company Redflow told the ASX last week that it has received firm commitments from institutional and sophisticated investors for an additional $6.75 million (before costs) via placement of entitlement shortfall shares, at a price of $0.21 per share. Combined with approximately $4.9 million…

AMC and Victoria support guided weapons workforce

The Australian Missile Corporation and the Victorian government are to work together to enable a “ready and able” Victorian workforce to support Australia’s Guided Weapons and Explosive Ordnance (GWEO) enterprise. Under an agreement between the parties, they intend prioritising local jobs, skills and training to accelerate Australia’s new smart munitions industry. The AMC is an…