Gradually getting under your skin

By Brent Balinski Nobody is exactly keen on getting a needle, and getting rid of them is an old idea.  Some articles trace an alternative, microarray patches, back to the 1970s, but today we still generally get our vaccines and various other drugs the old way – jabbed into our muscles.  Ideas are easy, but…

New Insights from Old Factories – Metroglass unifies multiple software systems

Metroglass is Australia and New Zealand’s leading manufacturer of double glazed windows with seven Australasian processing plants and twelve retail sites, and the problem it faced was pretty typical of many manufacturers. Rapid expansion saw the company with a plethora of software applications, legacy solutions, and underinvestment in IT and infrastructure, resulting in inconsistent data,…

The government will underwrite risky investments in renewables – here’s why that’s a good idea

By Tony Wood, Grattan Institute On Thursday Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen announced a scheme to underwrite the risk of investing in new renewable energy generation and storage. The expansion of the national Capacity Investment Scheme follows a successful pilot study with New South Wales. The government paid A$1.8 billion for just over a gigawatt…