Defence partnering for success – Ukraine brings cybersecurity into focus

@AuManufactruring’s sponsored series reporting BAE Systems Australia’s Partnering for success defence industry supplier event, concludes today, with a focus on cyber security. By Nicholas Way The tragic war in Ukraine has been a catalyst for serious investment in cybersecurity by defence organisations globally, and Australia is no exception. That’s the view of Tony Howell, Global…

Defence partnering for success — mend now, make later

Our sponsored series reporting on BAE Systems Australia’s Partnering for success defence industry supplier event continues with a look at additive manufacturer Titomic’s work in defence. Brent Balinski speaks to the company’s Dominic Parsonson about the potential in lightweighting and supply chain optimisation. Titomic’s story will be well known to many of this website’s readers,…

Head appointed for guided weapons enterprise

The federal government has appointed the head of the Guided Weapons and Explosive Ordnance (GWEO) Enterprise who will be responsible for accelerating the establishment of a local long-range guided weapons and munitions manufacturing industry in Australia. The Defence Strategic Review recommended the appointment of a Senior Officer with the sole responsibility of leading the GWEO…

Beacon expansion puts the spotlight on STEM

Today we continue our sponsored series reporting on BAE Systems Australia’s Partnering for success defence industry supplier event with a look at the Beacon STEM program for primary schools. BAE Systems Australia is expanding its science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) outreach program with immersive technology company, Lumination, to young people in Victoria. This means…

Defence partnering for success – REDARC, SMEs partnering with SMEs

@AuManufacturing’s sponsored series reporting on BAE Systems Australia’s Partnering for success defence industry supplier event, turns to a different type of partnership – that between SMEs themselves vying for defence contracts. Here is REDARC Electronics’ partnering story. It is not only defence prime contractors partnering with defence SMEs that is powering the defence sector today,…