The fibre of innovation running through a drone business

Today we present the eighth profile from our ongoing campaign to identify Australia’s 50 most innovative manufacturers. Brent Balinski speaks to Dario Valenza from Carbonix, who shares an approach applied at every place the company works to innovate. Adapting his expertise in carbon fibre composite boat-building to uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs, or drones) about a…

If you buy it, why can’t you fix it? Here’s why we still don’t have the ‘right to repair’

By Leanne Wiseman, Griffith University and John Gertsakis, University of Technology Sydney When you buy a product, you expect to be able to repair it. The problem is, many modern products are designed so that you can’t fix them. Vital parts are inaccessible. Or you have to go through the manufacturer, which may well just…

Narrowing the scope

Today we publish another profile of a nominee for our Australia’s 50 Most Innovative Manufacturers list. Brent Balinski speaks to Lachie Smart about how a small Sunshine Coast-based manufacturer found a niche it could lead the world in. For many successful Australian manufacturers, the source to their success could be described as excelling globally within…

Manufacturing news briefs – stories you might have missed

First baby to be born through utilisation of Memphasys technology Biotechnology company Memphasys has announced that India’s Coimbatore Women’s Hospital Centre has seen the first live birth of a healthy baby boy, conceived utilising the company’s patented system for selecting healthy sperm for IVF procedures. Memphaysys’s Felix instrument uses uses an electric force and polymer…

3 ways to help the $15 billion National Reconstruction Fund revive manufacturing

By Jarryd Daymond, University of Sydney Australia’s federal parliament has approved a A$15 billion National Reconstruction Fund, intended to reverse the nation’s dwindling manufacturing sector. It is the “first step” in Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s election promise “to revive our ability to make world-class products”. The fund will focus on investing in high-tech manufacturing. There…