Technologies and tools for a manufacturing transformation: why it’s important to commercialise new materials by Gary Walsh

@AuManufacturing’s highly successful new deal plan for manufacturing was aimed at Australia’s policy makers. Our new series, crowd sourced advice from our manufacturing community, aims to help businesses transform their operations to compete and grow through new tools and technologies. Here Gary Walsh explains why it’s important to commercialise new materials by taking ideas out of the lab and into industrial reality

What next but graphene safety boots

Graphene materials company First Graphene and boot maker Steel Blue have developed a graphene enhanced safety boot. The companies showcased the new boots, which incorporate the carbon-based nanomaterial in thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) boot soles and foam innersoles at a presentation at the company’s commercial graphene facility at Henderson in WA. The companies have developed a…

Scott Morrison’s gas transition plan is a dangerous road to nowhere

By Tim Baxter, Fellow – Melbourne Law School; Senior Researcher – Climate Council; Associate – Australian-German Climate and Energy College, University of Melbourne As Australia continues to battle horrific bushfires, Prime Minister Scott Morrison has announced a renewed focus on gas-fired electricity to reduce emissions and lower energy prices. This is a dangerous and completely…

The new battery metals supply chains – infographic

The world is rapidly shifting to renewable energy technologies. Battery minerals are set to become the new oil, with lithium-ion battery supply chains becoming the new pipelines. China is currently leading this lithium-ion battery revolution—leaving the U.S. and its allies including Australia dependent on imports. However, there is pressure to develop our own domestic energy…

Graphene set to change the future, but Australian commercialisation needs incentivisation

The nanomaterial graphene holds vast industrial possibilities, but more incentives are needed to commercialise world-leading Australian research, the Graphene + Enabled Smart Cities Conference heard yesterday. Chair of the Australian Graphene Industry Association Chris Gilbey said in his opening remarks at yesterday’s event that graphene was a critical ingredient in the “smart cities” of the…