By Ty Hermans, Managing Director, Evolve Group
Plastic Waste is one of the biggest challenges we face globally. If you care please read on, share and get involved.
Evolve Group will open source our Wasteloc project to tackle this massive issue. But we need help.
The project needs:
– A few like minded corporates to throw in some horsepower
– Government/Corporate funding ~$2m
– University/CSIRO tech support. If we get that, I am confident we will have a viable solution within 12 months capable of reusing >1.6 million tonnes of plastic each year in Australia alone, never to re-enter the waste stream again.
Best of all the solution is global and some of the poorest countries in the world will benefit from it the most. It’s a massive claim, but pulling off the impossible is what we do, and we can’t stand by and do nothing.
Who’s ready to jump in and have a crack? The risk is calculated and the positive outcome is life changing!!! Please tag people you know, share amongs your networks and let’s see how many are keen to help.
Picture: Getty Images