The government of Western Australia has announced the signing of an agreement with the Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre (AMGC) to deliver an industry support program aiming to lift the participation of businesses in wind energy supply chains.
The industry support program is part of the Wind Turbine Manufacturing Initiative. News of an $8 million funding allocation “to support local businesses to manufacture wind turbine components” came ahead of the WA government’s budget in May.
According to a statement on Thursday, the new program “aims to support WA businesses’ prequalification processes with wind turbine componentry for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), the upgrade of plant and equipment, and provide professional advice.”
“In 2023, wind accounted for nearly 34 per cent of Australia’s renewable power generation and this is expected to increase significantly in coming years,” said Stephen Dawson, the minister assisting the minister for state and industry development.
“We are quite literally blown away with the wider range of opportunities that this landmark agreement with the AMGC could bring to Western Australia, to strengthen our economy and create more jobs.”
AMGC was established in 2015 by the former federal government’s Industry Growth Centres Program.
The agreement follows recommendations from an independent feasibility study by Aurecon, commissioned by the state government, highlighting the presence of skills transferable to wind energy, opportunities available, and noting “the need for government support to seize those opportunities.”
“The agreement between the WA Government and AMGC will accelerate new opportunities for Western Australian manufacturers. AMGC is honored to be entrusted with such a forward leaning initiative,” said AMGC Managing Director Dr Jens Goennemann.
“Being able to make complex things is the single most promising capability we have to unlock Australia’s Net Zero ambitions. Together, the Western Australian Government and AMGC will be working to encourage local manufacturers to leverage their capabilities and turn them towards the wind generation industry, thus generating more jobs, prosperity, and green energy for WA.”
Picture: Albany Wind Farm, Western Australia (credit Nachoman-au/Wikimedia Commons)
Further reading
WA announces $26 million for renewables manufacturing in upcoming budget