@AuManufacturing’s Celebrating Australian Made editorial series concludes today with something Australian Made by @AuManufacturing – the first in our How It’s Made – Australia video series. Here we look behind the manufacturing scenes at how an A.H. Beard mattress is manufactured.
How It’s Made – Australia is a new multi-media video series showcasing the very best Australian manufacturing has to offer.
Presented in association with Cahoots and AusBiz, the series is modelled on the Discovery Channel’s hugely successful How It’s Made television series, now in its 32nd season.
The Australian Manufacturing Forum, @AuManufacturing and our partners are offering manufacturers the chance to work with us on video presentations of their manufacturing operations that will reach a qualified online audience of tens of thousands.
Videos will be published on @AuManufacturing news website, newsletter and social networks, as well as David Koch’s Ausbiz network. Produced by our partner Cahoots, each 5 – 7 minute video segment will include location footage, graphics and scripted narration
How it’s Made – Australia segments will be further developed into a regular series aimed at Australian television audiences.
Further information from Peter Roberts, editor: [email protected]