Queensland left hand drive vehicle conversion company AUSEV has signed a purchase order for one stripped electric vehicle chassis from US manufacturer Xos Inc.
The company, which has plans to add EV production to its current vehicle conversion business, said in a statement it had ‘started conversations on working towards a manufacturing and distribution partnership in Australia’.
The company said AUSEV would collaborate with Xos engineers on design and manufacturing issues specific to the Australian right-hand drive (“RHD”) market.
Xos is a fleet services provider and manufacturer of Class 5 through Class 8 battery-electric vehicles.
AUSEV head of future business Terry Mulcahy said: “We are excited to form partnerships with international companies such as Xos to provide heavy vehicles to the RHD market.”
Xos head of distribution Jessica Savage said establishing RHD electric vehicle manufacturing in Australia was critical to the company, with the partnership looking towards ‘that reality’.
AUSEV is a subsidiary of Boss Capital Holdings which revealed the scope of its plans to @AuManufacturing in November.
Owned by colourful entrepreneur Eddie Kocwa, the company has a focus on RHD 4×4 EVs, built on imported EV chassis.
Picture: AUSEV
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