Analysis and Commentary

Beyond energy savings: Unleashing the hidden gems of industrial energy efficiency

Analysis and Commentary

A S M Monjurul Hasan asks why we hesitate to embrace the immense potential of energy in industrial progress, and explains why lower power prices are just the beginning.

In the realm of industrial energy efficiency, the prevailing narrative has long centred on energy savings, and rightfully so. After all, reducing energy consumption is a crucial step towards a sustainable future and a key pillar in the roadmap to decarbonisation. However, as we delve deeper into the realm of energy efficiency, we find a hidden treasure trove of benefits that extend far beyond mere energy conservation.

Amid the global call for decarbonisation and mitigating the impacts of climate change, energy efficiency emerges as a central player in the pursuit of a greener, more sustainable world. As nations and industries chart their paths towards a carbon-neutral future, energy efficiency takes its rightful place as one of the main pillars in this transformative journey.

The International Energy Agency (IEA) and energy experts worldwide have been advocating for a broader perspective on energy efficiency, urging us to explore the realm of non-energy benefits (NEBs) or multiple benefits that stem from this transformative practice. While quantifying these benefits can indeed be challenging, it is essential not to underestimate their significance and potential impact.

The findings from the IEA and the US Department of Energy offer a revealing glimpse into the state of energy efficiency worldwide. Despite the growing awareness of its importance, the rate of its actual implementation remains surprisingly low—Australia, too, is no exception. In a recent research project, we had a unique opportunity to engage businesses and inquire about their views on energy productivity. While many claimed to have a focus on energy productivity, it became evident that energy has never truly been at the core of their business priorities. This realisation has ignited a profound question that calls for our utmost attention: Why do we hesitate to fully embrace the immense potential of energy as a prime pillar of industrial progress?

Studies around the world have identified several barriers to industrial energy efficiency implementation. However, in dealing with industrial decision-makers, we find that there is a lack of realisation regarding the far-reaching impact of energy efficiency on the entire manufacturing process. By solely focusing on energy savings, industries miss out on a world of possibilities. To grasp the true potential of energy efficiency, we must recognise its transformative impact on various aspects of industrial operations.

Improved energy efficiency unlocks a cascade of benefits: enhanced production rates, reduced waste, and heightened product quality. An energy-efficient factory can respond more adeptly to market demands, offering increased flexibility and adaptability. In this scenario, energy efficiency isn’t just a cost-cutting measure; it is the catalyst that amplifies productivity, making the factory a true industry leader.

But the gems don’t stop there. Employee morale soars as they witness a corporate commitment to sustainability. A culture of efficiency and environmental consciousness permeates the workforce, empowering employees to become active champions of change. This newfound sense of purpose drives innovation and fosters a culture of continuous improvement.

Energy efficiency also plays a pivotal role in the creation of resilient, future-ready industries. Reduced energy consumption ensures companies remain competitive and robust even in the face of volatile energy markets. With the looming threat of climate change, energy-efficient factories stand as beacons of hope, committed to minimising their environmental impact and safeguarding future generations.

Step into a world where factories are more than just production hubs; they are thriving ecosystems of efficiency, productivity, and sustainability. Picture a factory that dares to dream big and embraces energy efficiency as more than just a cost-cutting measure. Yes, energy savings will be substantial, but that’s only the beginning of a transformative journey that leads to wonders beyond imagination.

Let us not forget that energy efficiency is not a solitary pursuit; it is a catalyst that unlocks the door to a world of possibilities. As we embark on this transformative journey, we reimagine the future of industries—a future where energy efficiency shines as a guiding beacon of sustainability and prosperity. 

So, let us embrace the multifaceted brilliance of industrial energy efficiency and set forth on a voyage of discovery. Together, let us uncover the hidden gems and unlock a future that gleams with the brilliance of sustainability and progress. The time to unleash the true potential of industrial energy efficiency is now. 

Are you ready to embark on this transformative expedition?

Picture: supplied

A S M Monjurul Hasan is a Doctoral Researcher at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS). His research primarily focuses around the realms of industrial energy efficiency and Industry 4.0 technologies. Monjur actively engages with an array of projects dedicated to enhancing energy productivity in collaboration with the Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water of the Australian Government, RACE for 2030, CSIRO, A2EP, and RMIT.

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