Clean Energy Council acts on Queensland solar rules

The Clean Energy Council has convened an emergency meeting today (Friday) to discuss new Queensland state government rules covering the installation of solar PV systems.

The rules, which require licensed electricians to perform mechanical work such as lifting, mounting and fixing unplugged solar panels, threaten jobs on solar farms and in commercial PV installations according to the council.

Anna Freeman, the Clean Energy Council’s Director of Energy Generation said industry was in shock over the new rules which will be implemented on May 13.

“The solar industry is stunned after being almost completely shut out of the consultation process.

“It is time to press pause on this rushed process so we can sit down with the government and industry stakeholders to work this through.”

Freeman said Queensland laws stated that mounting and fixing of electrical equipment is not electrical work if the equipment is not connected to an electricity supply.

“This is a deeply disappointing outcome for those workers who are trained, experienced and entirely capable of doing the mechanical tasks of mounting unconnected panels.

“Ultimately this change will make Queensland a less attractive destination for solar investment.”

Queensland’s commercial installation industry has doubled in size in the last year alone, and employs more than 5,000.

Picture: Tindo Solar

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