A federal parliamentary inquiry into manufacturing has begun its work, and is accepting written submissions until the end of next month.
The “Developing Advanced Manufacturing in Australia” inquiry by the House Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Resources cited an aim of “supporting Australian industry, creating jobs and reviving our ability to make world class products here in Australia” in a statement on Wednesday. It is chaired by Labor’s member for McEwen, Rob Mitchell.
Terms of reference (linked here) include consideration of opportunities, international trends, local strengths, barriers to growth, and skills needed by the industry.
“We need to ensure that we are well-positioned as a nation to take advantage of new technologies, and that our strategic decisions are informed by the right data. Continuing to grow the relationship between industry and our research sector is also vital,” said Mitchell.
“We want to hear from stakeholders across industry, our tertiary sector and government about what it will take to make things better – and how we can ensure reliable growth within Australia’s manufacturing sector.”
Submissions can be made until March 30. More information on contributing is available at this link.
Picture: credit Kuka