EMVision completes portable brain scanner

EMVision Medical Devices (ASX: EMV) has completed building its first portable brain scanner (pictured) which is now ready for trial in a clinical environment.

The Brisbane company, which listed only a year ago, said the device was now undergoing calibration and testing for delivery to Brisbane’s Princess Alexandra Hospital later this month.

A further two devices will be fabricated and assembled in the next few weeks along with parts to build a further four.

EMVision CEO Ron Weinberger said: “We are thrilled to complete our first clinical build and deliver it to PA Hospital shortly.

“The EMVision device represents a breakthrough opportunity for imaging the brain, at the point of care, in a manner otherwise not possible today.”

Dr Weinberger is a former CEO of medical technology group, Nanosonics.

The EMVision device uses electromagnetic microwave imaging for diagnosis and monitoring of stroke and other medical applications.

These device features an optimised antenna array, innovative signal processing algorithms, and machine learning technology for stroke classification.

The technology is the result of research let by Professor Amin Abbosh and Professor Stuart Crozier at the University of Queensland.

Picture: EMVision

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