Weapons systems made by Australia’s Electro Optic Systems and DroneShield are to be provided to Ukraine under a soon to be announced $1.3 billion aid package, according to media reports.
Reuters reported that the new order would include defenses, counter-drone systems, exploding drones and ammunition.
Among the systems to be delivered under the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI), are counter-air defences made by L3Harris Technologies called the Vehicle-Agnostic Modular Palletized ISR Rocket Equipment or Vampire.
An EOS gimbal mounting system (pictured) is part of the Vampire counter-drone system, which can launch guided weapons from the tray of a utility vehicle.
This morning EOS confirmed that EOS Defense Systems USA, would provide the EOS AS-65 gimbal, developed for the R150 remote weapon system (RWS), as the positioning component for 14 L3Harris Vampires headed for Ukraine.
According to EOS: “By selecting the EOS AS-65, L3Harris is choosing the lightest weight and most precise gimbal in the industry enabling unmatched accuracy and stabilisation.
“The AS-65 is the smallest gimbal within the EOS weapon system family and is capable of precisely aiming and firing rockets, missiles, and other payloads, supporting ground-to-ground, and ground-to-air delivery with high speed and precision strike capability.”
The EOS AS-65 gimbal joins more than 40 EOS R400 remote weapon systems, fitted to Bushmaster armoured vehicles delivered to Ukraine, as part of the Australian Government’s ongoing commitment to the defence of Ukraine.
Also included in the new US aid package will be ‘a significant number’ of counter-drone systems made by Australia’s DroneShield Ltd.
On Monday @AuManufacturing reported a record US order from DroneShield for $33 million worth of its drone detection and countermeasure systems.
Further reading:
EOS confirms utility remote weapons station for Ukraine
EOS weapons systems invading the Ukraine battlefield
DroneShield’s record $33 million US order
Picture: L3 Harris/Vampire system