First Aussie made, fully certified flushable wet wipes to hit the shelves

South Australian manufacturer The Hygiene Co. has set a new benchmark, launching the first Australian made and fully certified flushable wet wipes onto shelves.

Flushing wet wipes is a rising concern for sewerage infrastructure, with SA Water reporting them causing more than 1000 blockages in Adelaide alone last year, spending more than $2 million to redirect these unflushable materials from pipes, pump stations and wastewater treatment plants to landfill.

Meanwhile, Sydney Water claims that 75% of sewer blockages involve wet wipes that are not made to be flushed.

The Hygiene Co.’s became the first Australian manufacturer to achieve certification to the new Australian and New Zealand Flushable Products Standard, AS/NZS 5328:2022.

This means these products have a ‘certified to flush’ symbol, achieving the standard after several stages of testing.

“We’re incredibly proud to be the first Australian-owned manufacturer to deliver a certified flushable wet wipe to the market and flip the script on these products,” Hygiene Co. Director Phil Scardigno says.

“The standard has opened the door to designing wet wipes that are suitable for flushing down the loo, and it inspired us to pioneer its use while setting a new benchmark for how wet wipes are manufactured.”

Made from wood pulp, and unlike traditional wet wipes, the flushable fabric is non-woven and made to mirror toilet paper by breaking down quickly in water as it flows through sewer networks.

Scardigno adds, “It’s an exciting space to be in, as there’s a lot of other applications beyond wet wipes and our hope is this will encourage the wider industry to elevate their own products.”

South Australian MP Nick Champion says this development could have a significant impact on sewer infrastructure.

“It’s great to see a South Australian business leading the way by investing in sustainable products that will help reduce the impact of wet wipes on essential sewerage infrastructure,” Champion says.

“This Australian first has the potential to significantly reduce the amount of time and money spent removing wet wipes from our sewer system.”


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