How manufacturers can tell their story

Forum member Dennis Rutzou delivers some sage advice on how manufacturers can tell their stories to the world

Every business has a unique story to tell.

Success, mediocrity, or even failure can depend upon it, and getting your message out should be a basic operating principal of any business.

But it is much more than just sending out information at random to all and sundry.

The communication activities of a business must be underpinned with an effective plan that covers key aspects such as who are the vitally important audiences that you need to communicate with, what do you want to say and what are you trying to achieve.

Australian engineering is highly innovative and that means that what our companies do is extremely interesting to a number of their key audiences.

Working with companies to identify and disseminate the great stories lying within every firm is what public relations professionals do.

After the investigation and planning process, PR professionals work to sustain ongoing communication for clients using social and traditional media to communicate, reach and achieve rapport.

New products, processes and innovations fulfil one of the most enduring principles of public relations.

That is that ‘new is news’.

Newness is a business advantage and is exciting highlighting your product or innovation to the utmost while it is fresh and exciting.

The irony is that often those closest to the situation can not spot the most interesting news opportunities – the old phrase ‘can’t see the wood for the trees’, is very appropriate.

In recent years I have been specialising in working for organisations that are focused on new market segments or are introducing new innovations, particularly those with an environmental edge in manufacturing, building, water, energy and recycling.

Here is an example of what professional public relations can do.

We recently highlighted University test results for one of our client’s product and secured 23 million hits worldwide on Facebook with one story, as well as featuring on the ABC National News.

And it hasn’t stopped there as over an extended period we have averaged two interesting newsy blogs and Facebook posts each week, plus regular stories in relevant media, as well as radio interviews, TV, exhibitions, speeches and presentations. And there is still much that we need to do.

It is an ongoing need to constantly come up with interesting and exciting ideas to highlight and refocus interest.

Dennis Rutzou, is Chairman, Dennis Rutzou Public Relations, a company founded in 1968. Dennis began his career as a journalist for The Argus in Melbourne, and has worked in numerous firms, including as Chairman of Edelman Public relations.

Picture: Dennis Rutzou

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