Legislation to establish Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) which will provide advice to government about skills needs has successfully passed federal Parliament.
Minister for Skills and Training Brendan O’Connor said: “The Albanese Government recognises the urgency of the skills crisis facing the nation, which is why the swift passage of this legislation is such an important milestone.
“A lack of skilled workers is one of the biggest economic challenges currently facing Australia.
“Jobs and Skills Australia will bring together unions, employers, state and territory governments to provide independent advice to government on current and emerging workforce needs. It will help improve skills development, employment opportunities and economic growth.”
O’Connor said the government had invested an additional $12.9 million in this week’s Budget to help JSA more precisely identify and anticipate skills shortages across the economy.
“We have also provided $1.9 million so that JSA can get to work preparing a capacity study into Australia’s clean energy workforce to provide better analysis of the skills needed to support the clean energy transition.
“The expansion of new and emerging industries such as advanced manufacturing, technology and new energy will require a supply of highly specialised skills.
“JSA will also lead the development and delivery of a $12 million new National Study on Adult Literacy, Numeracy, and Digital Literacy Skills that will provide a up-to-date evidence based on levels of these foundation skills among Australian adults.”
The interim JSA body will build on the important work of the National Skills Commission, replacing it a week after royal assent.
JSA’s primary task will be to provide critical advice to governments and industry at a time of significant economic transition.
Picture: Brendan O’Connor