To Wayne Hoffman (pictured) of electronics manufacturer Entech Electronics, resilience starts with harmonising technology, machinery, training and manufacturing systems across his three factories across in Asia and Australia.
Entech factories are essentially identical whether they are manufacturing printed circuit boards and electronics assemblies in Adelaide, Shenzhen, China and a soon to be opened plant in Penang Malaysia.
Hoffman said: “Each factory is slightly different in terms of how they operate, but if we want to talk to clients about product quality and the workmanship they can expect across the company – we know exactly what that means.”
The power of the company’s single, but flexible ERP system is such that deciding what product can be most effectively manufactured in what site in what volume is at management’s fingertips – and scenario planning for supply chain disruptions or plant break down is simple.
Hoffman is one of four manufacturing leaders speaking at @AuManufacturing and Epicor’s webinar Lessons in Resilience taking place on 3 September 2024, 10AM eastern time.
Sign up (via this link) to hear from Hoffman, Geoff Wadsworth of Russell Mineral Equipment, Ian Macdonald from Epicor, and Sanja Minervini of industrial fluid and gas control company Klinger Australia.
Hear how these leaders made their companies resilient to economic ups and downs, changes in consumer demand, and technology shifts.
How are they approaching hot operational topics, such as digitalising processes and addressing skills shortages through technology?
The webinar, moderated by co-Editor Peter Roberts, takes place on Tuesday 10am eastern time (8am Perth, 9.30 Adelaide).
Image: Wayne Hoffman