A new group supporting the development of manufacturing in the Sunshine Coast has been launched, and will hold its first event this week.
The Manufacturing Excellence Forum has received support from the federal Entrepreneurs Programme, TAFE Queensland, Sunshine Coast Council, University of the Sunshine Coast, Caloundra Chamber of Commerce, and Advertastic. It aims to “facilitate the growth of the Sunshine Coast’s manufacturing ecosystem.”
The Forum said in a statement that its activities will include monthly in-person events with guest speakers, information sessions and networking opportunities, hosting an online discussion platform to facilitate questions and conversations within the community, and acting as a knowledge base for new members.
According to the Sunshine Coast Council’s head of economic development, Andrew Eves-Brown, manufacturing contributed $991 million worth of export revenue and supported over 7,000 local jobs in 2018/19.
The Manufacturing Excellence Forum Sunshine Coast will host its first event — titled “How to achieve scale in manufacturing” — this Friday the 26th of March at the University of the Sunshine Coast Innovation Centre.
“The sentiment around Australian made is stronger than we’ve seen in decades, and the pandemic has emphasised… the importance of making our own physical goods,” said Tim Kelly, a founding director of the forum.
“This is a unique opportunity to strengthen the Sunshine Coast’s reputation as a manufacturing centre of excellence by supporting our current great manufacturers and by making it a destination for new manufacturers”.
More information about the MEFSC can be seen at its website and its Linkedin page.
Picture: https://twitter.com/rdasc
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