Menz shows it is possible to buy back the farm.

Robern Menz a family owned Adelaide chocolate business has begun making the iconic Violet Crumble bar at its Glynde factory.
The company bought the bar from its former owner, Nestle and has spent $4 million to refit its plant, making it the country’s largest producer of chocolate honeycomb.
An additional 30 jobs were created.
Nestle requires its business lines world wide to meet a standard rate of return, with a number of its Australian brands falling below the mark.
Violet Crumble was neglected as a result, with marketing dollars diverted to more lucrative Nestle brands such as Kit Kat.
hashtag#Robernmenz, an amalgamation of a dried fruit and chocolate business, can get by with a lesser return. It now plans to promote the bar again.
Good luck!
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