A new suite of learning resources from Weld Australia for the critical fields of welding and fabrication is gaining rapid industry uptake according to the peak industry body.
Weld Australia designed and created the resources for delivery of the 12 welding and fabrication units of competency in the Manufacturing and Engineering (MEM) Training Package.
The group formed a national consortium of TAFEs which worked on the project over the past two years, developing the most engaging, up-to-date resources possible.
Some TAFEs have already permanently adopted them.
South Metropolitan TAFE in Fremantle, Western Australia was the first training organisation to facilitate an official pilot. The feedback received from students and lecturers alike was extremely positive.
According to Executive Director – Engineering, Transport and Defence, South Metropolitan TAFE Jonathon Maile: “The resources have been terrific, not only for our team here at South Metro TAFE, but we’ve also upheld these and shared these with some external customers as well.
“It has improved our focus on digitisation and e-learning, and the increased the flexibility of how we deliver.
“If apprentices miss classes, they can access the resources and catch up a lot more quickly than trying to reschedule another block later on.”
Weld Australia’s MEM Resources reimagine the learning process with a user-friendly interface, diversified delivery methods, and audited and accurate material.
The resources are completely online and accessible via phone, mobile device or computer, allowing students to access learning at the time, place and pace that suits them best.
The General Manager, Training Services at South Metropolitan TAFE in Perth, Brenda Micale said: “The resources have improved our delivery across the fabrication area quite significantly.
“We’ve had some really great feedback from our industry partners too.”
Micale said that her TAFE could not have developed an adequate suite of materials for the qualification on its own.
“Through the national collaboration, we got a much higher quality resources.
“On a TAFE budget, we never could have got all the bells and whistles—the videos, the eLearning—it’s just financially out of our reach.”
Picture: Weld Australia