Manufacturing News

Optiscan launches InVue device for on the spot pathology results

Manufacturing News

Microscopic imaging technology company Optiscan Imaging has revealed an innovative new medical imaging device, InVue, which is designed to enable precision surgery through real-time digital pathology.

Manufactured in Melbourne in partnership with industrial design firm Design + Industry, InVue is a significant milestone for the company, traditionally known for its confocal microscope devices.

Optiscan CEO and Managing Director Dr Camile Farah said: “It paves the way for a significant evolution of digital pathology and precision surgery.

“InVue will bring digital pathology insights into the operating theatre and directly into the hands of surgeons.

“The end-result will be enhanced speed and accuracy of treatment, which should in turn deliver improved patient outcomes.”

The device is designed to be used by surgeons to gain immediate pathology insights in the operating theatre, to enable on-the-spot decision making, treatment adjustments and precision surgery.

The quicker delivery of such insights supplements dedicated pathology laboratories using analogue approaches, separate to the operating theatre.

“We are particularly excited by what the InVue which tailors our patented technology to the surgical market, will mean for the future treatment and diagnosis of cancer patients.

“It will facilitate a dramatic step forward in the way cancer can be diagnosed and treated with unprecedented accuracy and precision.

“Our first intended use of InVue is for breast cancer surgery and margin determination.”

Determining the margin or edge of a tumour during surgery is a key to patient wellbeing in a disease with 20,000 Australians diagnosed each year.
Also according to Optiscan, by delivering improving accuracy and speed of treatment, the device should also help lower healthcare costs and improve patient outcomes.

The InVue™ has a spatial resolution of 0.55µ and is more than 1000x more powerful than traditional CT and MRI scanners with a typical resolution of 0.5-1mm.

InVue integrates with Optiscan’s cloud-based telepathology platform which is expected to be revealed in 2025, which will allow surgeons and pathologists to collaborate on surgical cases in real-time from anywhere in the world.

Picture: Dr Camile Farah

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