The final tranche of the Australia’s Economic Accelerator (AEA) Seed pilot program has been announced, with funding totalling approximately $11 million awarded to 36 projects that are between Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 3 and TRL 5.
AEA said in a statement on Monday that the grants focus on three of the federal government’s priority areas for the economy: transport, defence and enabling capabilities (illustrated in picture.)
According to a description from the federal department of education, grants under the Seed program are worth up to $500,000 and help “confirm proof-of-concept on research ideas pursuing a commercial and translational outcome” and are targeted to “the experimental end of the research and development spectrum (TRL 3-5)”
Funded projects include:
“AEA Seed was a pilot for the stage one proof-of-scale grants known as AEA Ignite and forms part of the Australian Government’s $1.6 billion investment in AEA,” according to a statement from AEA.
A full list of projects can be viewed here. The funding brings the total to approximately $26 million awarded to nearly a hundred projects through the AEA’s Seed program.
Picture: credit Australia’s Economic Accelerator