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SA gets enough solar and wind to be 100% renewable

Manufacturing News

South Australia has secured federal funding to back solar PV and wind projects and become 100 percent renewably powered before 2030.

This would be a historic development, as so far only hydro power based jurisdictions have been able to achieve 100 percent renewable power.

The state signed a final Renewable Energy Transformation Agreement to ensure the delivery of enough new renewable energy infrastructure to power every household in Adelaide, in return for dedicated federal funding support.

Canberra will underwrite developers to build a minimum 1000MW of new wind and solar projects in South Australia, enough to power all households across Adelaide.

Also will underwrite 400MW of new storage capacity to ensure renewable power is available for homes and businesses 24/7, taking the total new storage capacity supported in South Australia to at least 600MW.

In return SA commits to its Hydrogen Jobs Plan and will establish its own specific grid reliability mechanism and benchmark to be used in place of the national framework, and to be responsible for identifying and delivering new projects and technologies that will maintain reliability.

The SA Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Energy & Mining Tom Koutsantonis (pictured) said: “South Australia has been a renewable energy pioneer – so much so that we recently brought forward our renewable energy target by three years, committing to ensure electricity generation can be sourced from net 100 per cent renewables by 2027.

“So we warmly welcome this agreement to accelerate the roll out of renewables while ensuring the reliability of the energy system.

“Our government is committed to working with the Commonwealth to establish a secured grid, supporting the power needs of South Australian households and businesses.”

According to a statement while South Australia is the first state to formalise the agreement, agreements are currently being finalised with other states and territories.

The Minister for Climate Change and Energy Chris Bowen said: “Giving the market the confidence to build new projects is good; signing an agreement to collaborate with South Australia on practical steps to get the best out of this energy transformation for South Australian workers, communities and industry, is great.”

Picture: Tom Koutsantonis

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