Manufacturing News

Spectur to provide emergency surf lifesaving beacons

Manufacturing News

Internet of things security solutions provider Spectur has announced its largest sales contract to date for an emergency response beacon network for Surf Lifesaving New South Wales.

The contract will see the company provide emergency response beacons over the next five months to improve safety at a number of beaches in the state.

The contract will be worth $352,000 over the next 12 months and may be extended after that.

Spectur has developed solar powered hardware and software systems utilising IoT, cameras and the cloud for security surveillance and warning systems.

The beacons are an evolution of the existing Spectur shark warning system.

Managing director Gerard Dyson said: “We are delighted to apply the unique technology we have developed with our shark warning platforms to a use case which is both critically important to Australian water safety and is complementary to our core target markets.

“We see this as another great example of the broad recognition of Spectur’s product development expertise and the company’s deep experience in delivering remote sensing and monitoring.”

The company will earn upfront engineering and hardware revenue as well as ongoing fees for maintenance, data provision cloud hosting and camera software access.

Picture: Spectur

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