DroneShield’s DroneCannon features in Agile Shield

Drone detection and countermeasure company DroneShield has announced that one of its key products has been integrated into defence prime contractor Lockheed Martin Australia’s Agile Shield battlefield management programme. The incorporation of the company’s DroneCannon Mk2 wide area non-kinetic effector (pictured) was announced as part of a collaboration with LMA’s Science, Technology, Engineering, Leadership and…

BioCina aims for vaccines against biowarfare threats

Pharmaceutical and vaccine manufacturer BioCina is industry partner in an ambitious research project that aims to develop vaccine candidates to protect against biowarfare threats including Q Fever, tularaemia, and melioidosis. BioCina, the health Security Systems Australia (HSSA) division of defence innovation group DMTC, and academics led by Griffith University, including the Australian Rickettsial Reference Laboratory…