Electrochemical test developer Universal Biosensors has launched its Petrackr diabetes monitoring device (pictured) for cats and dogs.
The company, whose main product is the Sentia testing device used during the winemaking process, launched the blood glucose monitoring system at the same time announcing distribution partnerships in the United States and Canada.
The product involves a device and disposable test strips to collect a small sample of blood (pictured), and a hand-held monitor that manages multiple pet profiles to accurately track, monitor and share a pet’s blood glucose results.
UBI CEO John Sharman said the company had received its first order for $2,80,000 Petrackr devices from the United States.
10,000 Petrackr devices and 375,000diabetes test strips have been delivered or are in transit to UBI warehouses in the US and Europe, while the new order will be delivered in May.
Sharman said: “Blood glucose monitoring in companion animals with diabetes is a growing market and is estimated to be $270 million a year.
“Glucose test strip volumes are estimated to be approximately 150 million per annum, and device volumes in the order of one million per annum.”
The diabetes testing market is growing at 12 percent a year.
Sharman said the new device leveraged UBI’s human blood glucose monitoring technology.
“UBI is confident that our Petrackr product will be a better alternative for customers in terms of price, accuracy, latest technology user App and overall performance compared to the current products available in the market.
“We expect Petrackr to win significant market share over time.”
UBI expects to sign further distributors shortly.
Picture: Universal Biosensors/Petrackr