
Ukraine Ambassador gives ‘thumbs up’ to Sentinel Boats


The Sentinel 830R rigid hull inflatable military boat has received a thumbs up from His Excellency, Ambassador of Ukraine Vasyl Myroshnychenko.

Manufacturer Sentinel Boats of Derwent, Hobart took to social media to reveal that on a visit by the Ambassador they announced that a consignment 830R RHIBs would be sent to Ukraine as part of the $100 million military assistance package recently announced by the Australian Government.

Sentinel said: “The Ambassador was given a tour of the Sentinel Boats workshop to inspect the boats that are already under construction, before taking to the water to experience the performance of the 830R first-hand.”

The speed and agility of the 830R platform is expected to be used across a range of mission profiles, from riverine operations in Ukraine’s complex waterways, through to open-sea boarding operations.

According to Ambassador Myroshnychenko: “These boats will be used by the special operations units for various amphibious missions and assignments.

“They are fast, they are durable and they will be very handy and helpful for whatever we need them to do.”

Sentinel said “(The team) is honoured to have this opportunity to assist the Ukrainian Armed Forces in their ongoing efforts to protect their sovereignty.”

Picture: Sentinel Boats

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