Ampcontrol joins Hunter businesses, calls for strong emissions cuts

Ampcontrol has joined eight critical Hunter-based businesses and peak bodies to call on the federal government to commit to a strong 2035 emissions reduction target. The electrical engineering manufacturer joined AGL, Beyond Zero Emissions, Energy Renaissance, Hunter Jobs Alliance, Hunter Renewal, Investor Group on Climate Change, MCi Carbon, MGA Thermal and Verdant Produce in calling…

Australian fusion energy company to partner with ELI ERIC

Sydney’s HB11 Energy, which is pursuing “fusion technology for sustainable baseload energy”, says it is a step closer to this goal after signing an agreement with the world’s top high-power laser research infrastructure provider, ELI ERIC. In a statement on Monday, HB11 said its new partner provides “coordinated access to three world-class laser facilities, aiming…

Stryx developed and flew at ‘rapid pace’ – BAE Systems

A team of BAE Systems Australia engineers have successfully flown the company’s Australian developed and manufactured Strix Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) uncrewed aerial system. The craft takes off vertically before moving to forward flight – reversing the manouvre to land. The Managing Director of BAE Systems Australia’s Defence Delivery business unit Andrew Gresham said…