South Australian-based packaging specialist Detmold Group has released a list of “six positive impact targets” as part of its sustainability objectives, and will begin including them in their end of year report this calendar year.
In a statement making World Environment Day on Monday, Detmold said it aimed to meet these targets by 2025:
• 100 per cent of products with Sustainable Packaging Guidelines applied;
• 95 per cent of waste diverted from landfill across all production facilities;
• 30 percent reduction in Scope 1 & 2 emissions per kg of product;
• 80 per cent of fibre to be forestry-certified or contains recycled content, with no
controversial sourced fibre;
• 100 per cent of stock range that meets Towards 2025 Targets; and
• Three facilities using renewable energy.
“We are taking the current standing of the Detmold Group and measuring it against these six positive impact targets, as well as aligning with progressive targets for the 2023 and 2024 calendar years,” said acting CEO at the family-owned company, Sascha Detmold Cox.
“The targets also demonstrate that the Detmold Group continues to operate as a trusted partner in the sustainable packaging space, providing value to our clients globally.”
Detmold sells in 17 countries and manufactures in seven, with five Australian sites.
Besides its focus on supplying food and retail brands, the company contributed respirator and surgical masks to the South Australian and National Medical Stockpile during the height of the Covid pandemic.
Picture: supplied
Further reading
Detmold produces one millionth surgical mask
Detmold to make 145 million masks, take on up to 160 extra staff