Manufacturing News

Glaciem delivers novel cooling system to Coles

Manufacturing News

In a world-first, Adelaide-based Glaciem Cooling Technologies has deployed its groundbreaking energy-efficient refrigeration solutions to help leading Australian retailer Coles reduce CO2 emissions in line with its sustainability ambitions.

The company today demonstrated how it can provide large industrial and commercial businesses with heating and cooling solutions that support decarbonisation by installing the company’s unique technology at Coles’ new store in Norwood, South Australia.

Glaciem’s refrigeration, thermal energy storage and heat transfer technologies are designed to integrate with solar PV electricity generation.

They feature thermal energy storage and discharge through a heat transfer process and the use of carbon dioxide as a natural refrigerant for transfer fluid in heat pumps, instead of harmful hydrofluorocarbons.

The project is the culmination of seven years of research activities, trials and product development, including partnerships between the University of South Australia, the RACE for 2030 Cooperative Research Centre, Coles, and Glaciem.

Glaciem Chief Executive Officer Andrew Weller said they’re proud to partner with Coles in the first commercial deployment of its energy refrigeration solution in a large supermarket.

Weller said: “Glaciem’s internationally patented DP-CO2 technology has been shown to shave peak electricity demand by 24 percent and reduce average annual energy consumption by 16 percent, relative to conventional CO2 refrigeration systems.

“This Coles Norwood Project highlights the commercial readiness and suitability for mission-critical refrigeration of Glaciem’s product – it will provide an excellent case study for the performance of the system under real-world conditions.”

Glaciem and Coles have been collaborating on the project for the past four years.

“The installation demonstrates the product’s export readiness with potential for sales in countries including USA, Canada, Europe, China, and the Middle East.”

This development of Glaciem’s technology was supported by the federal government Department of Industry, Science and Resources through the Entrepreneurs’ Programme.

Further reading:
Gleciem to demonstrate renewable powered cooling

Picture: Glaciem

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