Australian fusion energy company to partner with ELI ERIC

Sydney’s HB11 Energy, which is pursuing “fusion technology for sustainable baseload energy”, says it is a step closer to this goal after signing an agreement with the world’s top high-power laser research infrastructure provider, ELI ERIC. In a statement on Monday, HB11 said its new partner provides “coordinated access to three world-class laser facilities, aiming…

Let’s tax carbon: Ross Garnaut on why the time is right for a second shot at carbon pricing

By Ross Garnaut, The University of Melbourne Australia now has a government and parliament wanting timely transition to net zero. We have a government and parliament wanting to build Australia as the renewable energy superpower of the zero-carbon world economy. For the time being, we have favourable international settings for using our opportunity. The government…

Solar above, batteries below: here’s how warehouses and shopping centres could produce 25% of Australia’s power

By Bruce Mountain, Victoria University Imagine if Australian cities became major producers of clean energy, rather than relying on far-flung solar and wind farms. Far fetched? Hardly. Our cities and towns are full of warehouses, commercial areas, shopping centres and factories. These types of buildings have one very important underutilised resource – large expanses of…

Manufacturing news briefs – stories you might have missed

Queensland science strategy to support new industries The Queensland government has launched a Future Queensland Science Strategy 2024-2029 which aims to capitalise on fields such as renewable energy, climate change mitigation and quantum and advanced technologies. It will seek to generate and translate Queensland’s scientific endeavours into new industries and investment. Science Advisory Council Queensland…