New Zealand-headquartered energy projects business Hiringa Energy has launched a green hydrogen refuelling network in its home country, which it says will “act as a blueprint” for efforts in Australia.
In August last year Hiringa was announced as a partner with Sundown Pastoral Co on the Good Earth Green Hydrogen and Ammonia (GEGHA) project. GEGHA was awarded $35.8 million in funding from NSW government’s Hydrogen Hubs Initiative to help construct a renewable ammonia and green hydrogen production facility near Moree.
On Wednesday this week it announced the Hiringa Refuelling New Zealand (HRNZ) network for zero-emission hydrogen, which it says will showcase “how a network of strategically placed stations can unlock freight routes, how design and partnerships can be leveraged, and highlight learnings to transfer economy of scale and cost reduction.”
The network has been created in partnership with fuel supplier Waitomo Group and heavy vehicle fleet owner TR Group.
Wiri (South Auckland), Te Rapa (Hamilton) and Palmerston North in the country’s North Island host refuelling stations, and will be joined by Tauranga later this year, according to the company. This would, allow the network to “service 95% of the heavy freight routes across the North Island”.
According to Hiringa’s website, there are four sites under construction for its planned hydrogen networks, 40 stations under development, and plans for over 200 stations in 2030.
“Heavy transport plays a vital role in our economy, but it’s also a significant contributor to our national emissions,” said Andrew Clennett, Chief Executive Officer of Hiringa, of the newly-launched network.
“As a first-of-its-kind across Australasia, and one of the first networks set up globally to service heavy transport, the initiative addresses this major challenge by providing operators with the infrastructure they need to switch to zero-emission transport in an efficient, scalable and commercially viable manner.”
Further reading
Innovate to decarbonise agriculture
Cotton to decarbonise by making its own green fuel and fertiliser