Manufacturing News

ICN NSW celebrates 40th anniversary

Manufacturing News

Industry Capability Network NSW (ICN NSW) celebrated its 40th anniversary this week at an event in Sydney’s CBD featuring a four-decade retrospective and a keynote address from NSW industry minister Anoulack Chanthivong.

According to a statement, Chanthivong commended ICN NSW for its unwavering commitment to supporting local businesses to engage with domestic supply chains and helping to drive economic growth.  

ICN NSW Chair, Helen Waldron, added: “This [anniversary] milestone is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team, partners, and the businesses we serve. We look forward to continuing our mission of supporting local businesses and driving economic growth for many more years to come.” 

ICN NSW is a non-profit company funded by the state government. It acts as an intermediary between smaller suppliers and major projects.

The NSW government announced $2.3 million in extra funding for ICN in August, which it said will “support economic growth and create jobs by providing more supply chain matching services”.

Picture: supplied

Further reading

NSW government announces extra $2.3 million for ICN

NSW accelerates towards replacing its rail fleet

ICN links suppliers to projects, needs more resources – study

ICN Victoria celebrates 40th anniversary

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