ICN NSW celebrates 40th anniversary

Industry Capability Network NSW (ICN NSW) celebrated its 40th anniversary this week at an event in Sydney’s CBD featuring a four-decade retrospective and a keynote address from NSW industry minister Anoulack Chanthivong. According to a statement, Chanthivong commended ICN NSW for its unwavering commitment to supporting local businesses to engage with domestic supply chains and…

ICN’s key role in SME capability and major projects – Roy Green

On Wednesday the Industry Capability Network released a study by University of Sydney’s Phillip Toner and UTS Emeritus Professor Roy Green which recommended it should be mandatory for project proponents to work with the service which connects businesses to opportunities. Here @AuManufacturing talked to Professor Roy Green. @AuManufacturing: The ICN has been in operation for…

ICN links suppliers to projects, needs more resources – study

A major report marking the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Industry Capability Network (ICN) has highlighted the massive benefits of the organisation which links 100,000 Australian suppliers to proponents of major infrastructure and other projects. The report, Industry Capability Network. Past, Present and Future by the University of Sydney’s Phillip Toner and UTS…

New ICN Gateway launched to smooth major project procurement

Procurement and supply chain intermediary Industry Capability Network is thrilled to announce the official launch of Gateway, marking a significant milestone within the organisation. Gateway by ICN is designed to support business networking, providing a pivotal connection between major projects and the regions’ best-suited suppliers. CEO of ICN National Office Warren Jansen said: “We are…