By Peter Roberts
The phrase world-leading is bandied round often to describe Australian technology taking on global markets – but in the case of X-ray machine manufacturer Micro-X the phrase is actually true.
The company, which has just won two US Department of Homeland Security contracts to design and in one case manufacture a prototype of unique passenger screening equipment for airport use, is not just world-leading, it is unique.
Homeland Security has been conducting a global search for technology to utilise in next generation passenger screening that reduces staffing, boosts security and speeds up passenger screening at airports.
The choice just had to be Micro-X because of its unique carbon fibre nanotube X-ray emitter (pictured below compared to a light bulb) which makes possible smaller, lighter and less power consuming X-ray machines.
The miniaturisation and automation of passenger baggage screening makes possible a complete re-imaging of the airport checkpoint, according to the company.
Micro-X is the only company in the world that is able to reliably manufacture what are known as cold cathode X-ray emitters, replacing the century old hot cathode emitter design.
Global companies have reputedly spent tens of millions of dollars attempting the task.
The keys to the new tube are the ability to construct a uniform array of carbon fibre nanotubes and the a stainless steel containers (main picture, compared to a standard X-ray tube) in which it is housed under total vacuum free of any contaminants.
Micro-X’s electronic X-ray tube technology allows arrays of miniature X-ray tubes to be fitted into small devices providing a high resolution, three-dimensional CT image.
Numerous unique options are being developed by the company including potable medical and veterinary X-ray machines, a military scanner to identify improvised explosive devices in the field, a CT scanner small enough to fit in an ambulance and, now, self-serve baggage scanning and passenger screening.
Until another company can manufacture the emitters, these capabilities will remain unique.
Pictures: Micro-X
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