Manufacturing news briefs — stories you might have missed

ERA celebrates recycling of electronics In time for National Recycling Week Electrical Recycling Australia (ERA) has celebrated its achievements in recycling e-waste in South Australia. Backed by Bedford Industries, the company has in the the year to date notched up these statistics: 4,759 e-waste deliveries received; Daily average intake: 10,285 kilograms; and total e-waste processed:…

Zeolites to be trialed to curb methane emissions

Mineral processing technology company Zeotech is to proceed to an infield validation trial of its methane emissions control technologye at one of Cleanaway Waste Management’s landfills. Developed at Griffith University, the technology has achieved ‘very promising results’ during testing according to Zeotech. The test programme aims to develop zeolite-based technology (biofilter) to be deployed within…

Cleanaway acquires Australian Eco Oils

Cleanaway Waste Management will acquire waste cooking oil collector and preprocessor Australian Eco Oils for $39 million. In FY24 the oils business is expected to generate annualised EBITDA profit of around $6 million. Operating throughout NSW, Queensland and Victoria, the company operates under the Scanline brand, and claims the most advanced collection technology, including containers,…