Critical minerals for the world – or just for the US? Turning Australia into a green minerals powerhouse comes with risks

By Marina Yue Zhang, University of Technology Sydney; David Gann, University of Oxford, and Mark Dodgson, The University of Queensland Globalisation is on shaky ground. As China rises, the United States and its allies are moving to reduce their reliance on the world’s factory. The rivalry between the US and China is wide-ranging, from competition…

Rediscovering our ability to spin a yarn

The textile industry still exists in Australia, but it’s misunderstood and strengthening it will be essential in addressing environmental and social problems. Brent Balinski speaks to Meriel Chamberlin, founder of Full Circle Fibres. “TCF” is a peculiarly Australian, bureaucratic category for a misunderstood, thrown-together collection of industries, believes Meriel Chamberlin. “That is such a vast,…